Warminster Township Parks and Recreation
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    A new fee schedule for 2025 was adopted by the Board of Supervisors.  All permitting fees, including Pavilion, Special Event, and Field Permits are due 30 days PRIOR to permit date.  

    Special Events - A separate special event form provided by Parks and Recreation must be completed and returned no later than 90 days prior to the event.  Insurance certificate may be required.  

    Field Permits - Insurance certificate is required.  Field lighting fee invoices will be assessed monthly based on hours used.

    Rates are as follows:

    Part 11 Parks and Recreation

    A. Pavilions – Warminster Community Park – 4 Hours
    A.1 Resident Application $100.00
    A.2 Non-Resident Application $125.00
    A.3 Extra Hour $25.00
    **Pavilion Seating Capacity is 100. Attendance over 100 will require a Special Event Use Permit.

    B. Pavilions – Kemper Park – 4 Hours
    B.1 Residential Application $30.00
    B.2 Non-Residential Application $50.00
    B.3 Extra Hour $10.00
    **Pavilion Seating Capacity is 12. Attendance over 20 will require a Special Event Use Permit.

    C. Non-Profit Special Events, 5Ks, etc. – 5 Hours
    C.1 Pavilion Area, under 200 people $500.00
    Extra Hour $100.00
    Rain Date Hold $150.00
    C.2 Pavilion Area, 201-300 people $750.00
    Extra Hour $150.00
    Rain Date Hold $225.00
    C.3 Runway or Large Event Area, under 500 people $1,000.00
    Extra Hour $200.00
    Rain Date Hold $300.00
    C.4 Runway or Large Event Area, 500+ people $1,500.00
    Extra Hour $300.00
    Rain Date Hold $450.00
    **Pavilion-based Events are for a maximum of 300 people, and the seating capacity is a maximum of 100.

    D. For-Profit Special Events, Corporate Events (Over 100 people), 5Ks, etc. – 5 Hours
    D.1 Pavilion Area, under 250 people $1,000.00
    Extra Hour $200.00
    Rain Date Hold $300.00
    D.2 Runway or Large Event Area, under 500 people $2,000.00
    Extra Hour $400.00
    Rain Date Hold $600.00
    D.3 Runway or Large Event Area, 500+ people $3,000.00
    Extra Hour $600.00
    Rain Date Hold $1,000.00

    E. Memorial Program
    E.1 Memorial Bench $1,600.00
    E.2 Memorial Tree $350.00
    **Memorial Benches and Trees are ordered and installed once per year in the fall months.

    F. Field Fees
    F.1 Individual Game/Practice
    Non-Profit Resident Youth (Under 12) $30.00 per field/occurrence
    Non-Profit Non-Resident Youth (Under 12) $50.00 per field/occurrence
    For-Profit Resident Youth (Under 12) $40.00 per field/occurrence
    For-Profit Non-Resident Youth (Under 12) $50.00 per field/occurrence
    Non-Profit Resident Adult $50.00 per field/occurrence
    Non-Profit Non-Resident Adult $75.00 per field/occurrence
    For-Profit Resident Adult $75.00 per field/occurrence
    For-Profit Non-Resident Adult $100.00 per field/occurrence
    F.2 Seasonal Use (12 Weeks)
    Non-Profit Resident Youth (Under 12) $450.00 per field
    +Additional Fields $135.00 per field
    Non-Profit Non-Resident Youth (Under 12) $600.00 per field
    +Additional Fields $180.00 per field
    Non-Profit Resident Adult $600.00 per field
    Non-Profit Non-Resident Adult N/A
    For-Profit Youth N/A
    For-Profit Adult N/A

    F.3 Field Lights
    Resident $10.00 per hour
    Non-Resident $15.00 per hour

    G. Bark Park Annual Membership Fee
    G.1 Resident $25.00
    G.2 Non-Resident $35.00

    RENTAL INTERVALS INCLUDE SET UP AND CLEAN UP TIME. Final facility use permits (field, pavilion, special event) will not be issued until all initial fees are paid. The Township of Warminster Parks and Recreation Department reserves the right to revoke permits.

    Sponsors and organizers of large special events that may require township resources (i.e., staff, equipment, maintenance, etc.) shall be responsible for all additional costs as determined by the Township.

    Team rosters with names and addresses must be turned in to Parks and Recreation BEFORE the game/practice or the start of the seasonal permit to qualify for the resident rate. To be eligible for the Resident rate, rosters must include a minimum of 75% Warminster Township residents. For NON-PROFIT YOUTH organizations ONLY, rosters must consist of a minimum of 75% of participants residing in Centennial School District to qualify for the Resident rate.

    Special Event & Field Permit - A separate Security Deposit, cash, or check payable to Warminster Township is due at least 21 calendar days before use, in the amount of $500 for all fields, facilities, and trails. This amount does not include any staff costs or additional fees. The Security Deposit will be returned upon satisfactory inspection of the rented facility when no damages are found or reported.

    Tournament requests will be reviewed on a case-by-case basis, with fees determined after a review of the proposal.
    Use of storage facilities, snack stands, Township equipment, cones, temporary barriers, or the like will incur additional costs.

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Bench in a sunny park
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We are proud to provide you with our activity registration system and website. To get started please Create an Account with all your household information. The data provided - emergency contacts, medical information, etc. - will help us better serve you. This info will also be automatically placed into your registration forms.

When you’re ready to start registering for activities, be sure to review the How to Register for an Activity page.